Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What a Day

I got my hair cut today. I love getting my hair cut. Probably more than I should. Sometimes I wish I could take some kind of magic potion to make my hair grow extra fast just so I could get it cut once a week.

So, needless to say, I am in a fantastic mood. Hair cuts just do that to you.

And I got to do service projects with precious, precious children today.
And I got to have 3 adorable 1st grade girls fight over my lap while we were watching maybe my favorite children's movie, Chicken Little.
 And I got sweaty hugs from too-tough 5th grade boys.
And I got to tutor an amazing 16-year-old in math for an hour. (Yes. I am aware that it makes me a nerd for loving this.)
And I got to eat a fantastic wild rice and chicken, peas, edamame, grapes, and raspberry brownies meal.
And I heard two phenomenal stories of the Lord working in lives and completely changing them.
And I got to teach a sweet 11-year-old piano.
And I got to witness a beautiful sunset.

All-in-all, a pretty precious, adorable, sweaty, amazing, fantastic, phenomenal, sweet, and beautiful day.

I loved it. And desperately needed it.

The Lord is so faithful.

1 comment:

Nikki VanDoren said...

You encourage me so much.
Love you.
( :