Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sunday Sunday Sunday

I have decided that the sweetest sound in the world is that of a baby laughing.

I hate those ringtones of babies laughing.
That is NOT what I'm talking about.

I'm talking about when you tickle a baby or play peek-a-boo with a baby or clap its feet together and they just laugh their little heads off. If I'm ever mad at you or about to rip you apart for some reason, bring a laughing baby into our confrontation and I will be putty in your hands.

And I will leave you with this on this fine Sunday:

Next Sunday, or even this Sunday if you still have time, go out of your way to encourage a minister or his or her family. Growing up as a preacher's daughter, I thought I understood what made Sundays hard for ministers. Come to find out, I had absolutely no idea. Sundays are literally the longest days of the week for ministers and they involve so much more than you could ever imagine. Sweet, passing words from friends, or even strangers, make so much difference on these hard days.

So, all 6 of you readers, that is your mission for today if you choose to accept it.

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