Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Ooo-wee Summer Dog Days

The Rock Creek concert. Summer Singers and family all in one!
Bryson's cake. That we had to wait for about 2 hours to put in the oven!
Some of my favorite people in the entire world!!
And two more of my favorite ladies that I don't know what I would do without.

So this is what I do during the summer. I go to Summer Singers concerts. And make cakes and desserts. And go to more Summer Singers concerts. Ha. Call me a groupie. It's really okay. I'm absolutely loving this summer, though. I can't even begin to describe how amazing God has been to me in the past two months and how much He is working in my life! I have incredibly amazing friends. And I am loving every minute of life.


Gena said...

So I'm assuming you know the show Larissa explains it all! One of my all time favs. I'm so glad you have a blog...and YES, I have missed you dearly at Starbucks. I think I just missed you the last time I was in.

laura said...

Welcome! I love the title...but i think it came from the show Clarissa Explains it All...not Larissa. One of MY all time favs!

Now I can finally stalk you. You better keep up with this thing. I want to know what is going on in your life at all times! Miss you!