Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Poetry Tuesday

In one of my classes this semester, we started book clubs. Basically, you just got to choose what book you wanted to study and whoever else was studying that book was in your group. I got so lucky and was in a group with just 3 people (including me). My friend Abigail (the one below), Lisa, and I studied 20th century American poets. I loved it. I loved our group and the discussions we would have, but also all the poets we read.

So I just wanted to share with you something we did. Abigail would sometimes give us assignments and one week it was to write a poem in response to or in the same style as E.E. Cummings. (Don't worry, I capitalized it on purpose.) So here's his poem followed by my poem in response:

because i love you) last night
because i love you) last night

clothed in sealace
appeared to me
your mind drifting
with chuckling rubbish
of pearl weed coral and stones;

lifted, and (before my
eyes sinking) inward, fled; softly
your face smile breasts gargled
by death: drowned only

again carefully through deepness to rise
these your wrists
thighs feet hands

to again utterly disappear;
rushing gently swiftly creeping
through my dreams last
night, all of your
body with its spirit floated
(clothed only in

the tide's acute weaving murmur

And here's mine

although you love me) tomorrow

although you love me) tomorrow
might not come quickly
and like the bat
that ceases
to fly like
the bird, i will no
longer be able to.

your love will
come in the deepest
and (not entirely feasible)
nighttime of my sorrow

hands, arms, hearts
torn apart and
,once more, put in the
way they were made to be.

your love will
entirely free my long
forgotten chains.
that until that day
were made ready to fall
apart and against the very
wounds they were
made for.

(i will not
remember when it comes

And there you go. Hope you enjoyed!

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