Thursday, March 24, 2011

Life Goes On...

I bet you forgot what it was like for me to blog 
about something other than Spring Sing! 

But to prove it can be done...
Here is the classic Spring Break post:

It was absolutely everything a Spring Break should be.

It started off watching these two wonderful people tie the knot. 

Holly looked BEAUTIFUL and the wedding was wonderful. 

 Then I drove 15 hours with 15 girls to this...
Destin, Florida. 
 It. Was. Amazing. 
I laid on the beach every day.
I read two books for fun.
And I slept a lot.
 It was just what this Spring-Sing-worn-out body needed. 

So now it's back to school. And papers. And tests. 
And stressful situations. 
Lots and lots of change is happening in life - most of it incredibly wonderful. I'm sure I'll be blogging about it soon.
For now, I'll let you in on a little part of the change. 
I'm moving into a house! 
No more apartment life for me, which will be so strange.
I can't wait to live with this girl:

We're growing up! 


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